Tubematic has a front end offer and 4 OTOs. These OTOs/upsells are Tubematic OTO1 GADS Counterspy, OTO2 iSpy 24/7, Tubematic OTO3 DFY Suite Espionage, OTO4 Agency.
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What Is Tubematic?
TubeMatic gives you instant access to relevant videos related to the products they want to promote. With TubeMatic, you’ll be able to create ads that are more targeted than ever before thanks to the app that inserts them directly into ads.
TubeMatic is a useful tool for anyone running YouTube video ads or Google Display Network campaigns by providing access to hundreds of highly relevant and popular monetized YouTube videos in one location.
With TubeMatic, you’ll spend less time searching through irrelevant video content and more time creating ad campaigns that are highly targeted to your audience. TubeMatic also allows you to spy on your competition’s landing pages, links, and banners, as well as, any other ads that the channel creates.
Tubematic Features
Watch the demo video below to see it in action:
Here is what is included with the main product:
You’ll get access to the TubeMatic dashboard where you can set up your video campaigns. You’ll also get video tutorials which will explain step by step how to use the app. It also includes tips on how to maximize your profits from your video ads.