Prime2.0 has a front end offer and 9 OTOs. These OTOs/upsells are Prime 2.0 OTO1 GoPro, OTO2 Lazy Traffic, Prime2.0 OTO3 Auto Edition, OTO4 Multi-Pay Edition, OTO5 GoXtreme Edition, OTO6 Inner Circle, OTO7 100x Income-Streams, OTO8 CashFlow Edition, Prime 2.0 OTO9 Apex Edition.
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What Is Prime 2.0?
Prime2.0 is a traffic app by Billy Darr that is designed to get you free traffic using a 7-in-1 system. With Prime2.0, you’ll be able to get traffic in any niche as you like thanks to the built-in traffic system that makes it possible for you to learn everything about getting traffic using the system and the proven ways to make money using this system. Prime2.0 is a system that helps you bring in traffic on virtual autopilot so that you can focus more on growing your business.
Prime2.0 Features
Here is what is included with the main product:
You’ll get access to the Prime 2.0 dashboard where you can set up access to the all-in-one traffic system. It also includes step by step training to show you how to use all of the features of Prime2.0 so that you can maximize your traffic and affiliate sales.