Infinity Slides has a front end offer and 1 OTOs. These OTOs/upsells is Infinity Slides OTO1 PLATINUM Pack.
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What Is Infinity Slides?
Infinity Slides gives you access to ready to use Powerpoint templates that you can use for both business and personal use. It includes 50 different modules allowing you to create stunning, professional looking presentations 65% faster than before.
Infinity Slides gives you access to animated elements and smooth transitions without any extra work. Now you can use these unique presentation templates in your video tutorials, webinars, company profile, statistics reports, business presentations, seminars & conferences, and sales pitches. There is no graphic design or coding skills needed to use Infinity Slides.
Infinity Slides Features
Here is what is included with the main product:
You’ll get access to the Infinity Slides dashboard where you can set up your done for you presentation templates. You’ll also get access to the following features:
- Total 3,900+ Unique-Animated Slides
1,250 Slides in the front-end, and 2,700 Slides in the Upsell - 50 Modules of Presentation Template Sections
- Simply Mix ‘n Match the slide to create your presentation style
- All Slide are fully animated
- Simply change photo and edit text, no more task needed
- Drag ’n Drop replacement image using slide master system
- All used Image are included without restrictions
- Used only Free Fonts (included), no worry about missing font