16k Swipes All OTO Links

16k Swipes has a front end offer and 4 OTOs. These OTOs/upsells are 16k Swipes OTO1 Guaranteed Subs, OTO2 Secret Email Mastermind, 16k Swipes OTO3 Matt’s Checklist Collection, OTO4 Checklist Collection.

All 16k Swipes Funnel Links Below

What Is 16k Swipes?

16k Swipes is a collection of the 219 emails that 7-figure affiliate marketer Matt Bacak paid $16,000 for and then turned into exactly $2,204,084.55,With this special dime sale offer, you get them for peanuts… Plus, he has added as a bonus A MASSIVE collection of 5,421 profit-producing, click getting emails you can adapt, tweak and alter for your own email or even email follow-up sequences.

16k Swipes Features

Here is what is included with the main product:

You’ll get access to the 219 emails plus the bonus 5,421 emails for a one-time price. Just download and unzip the swipe folder after your purchase and the emails will be in text format ready for you to use.

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